"This novel's protagonist, Bors, first attempts to fight evil with evil, enlisting in an organization delivering an escalating series of warnings and drastic punishments to the corrupt. Too late, he finds his attempts to back out of this decision interrupted by violent resets beyond his control and about which he lacks memory. Bors' tribulations reminded me of K's attempts to deal with his "case" in Franz Kafka's "The Trial". A good read, with a lot of hidden philosophical depth." ***** Jerry Attrich -- On Amazon
". . . .
Thriller readers are well used to stories embracing tension, international intrigue, and often murder and mayhem. James Ostby embraces all these devices, but adds a philosophical and ethical hand to the plot that results in a much more intriguing story than one of political maneuvering alone.
As other characters, spiritual insights and focuses, and the ideal of noble activities designed to save mankind from itself take center stage from Bors' activities, readers are guided through a world of intrigue and insanity. One is forced to consider not only Ragnarök's clandestine activities and ideals, but how they move into mainstream acceptance in the U.S.
The characters set lines for themselves, then cross them. While Mark IV will be chosen by fans of the political thriller genre, its literary and ethical foundations should not be overlooked. Readers looking for more than just an action-packed read will find Mark IV satisfyingly replete with relationship and ethical conundrums that keep readers thinking beyond the story's conclusion." Review Excerpt -- D. Donovan, Senior Reviewer, Midwest Book Review
"This novel's protagonist, Bors, first attempts to fight evil with evil, enlisting in an organization delivering an escalating series of warnings and drastic punishments to the corrupt. Too late, he finds his attempts to back out of this decision interrupted by violent resets beyond his control and about which he lacks memory. Bors' tribulations reminded me of K's attempts to deal with his "case" in Franz Kafka's "The Trial". A good read, with a lot of hidden philosophical depth." ***** Jerry Attrich -- On Amazon
". . . .
Thriller readers are well used to stories embracing tension, international intrigue, and often murder and mayhem. James Ostby embraces all these devices, but adds a philosophical and ethical hand to the plot that results in a much more intriguing story than one of political maneuvering alone.
As other characters, spiritual insights and focuses, and the ideal of noble activities designed to save mankind from itself take center stage from Bors' activities, readers are guided through a world of intrigue and insanity. One is forced to consider not only Ragnarök's clandestine activities and ideals, but how they move into mainstream acceptance in the U.S.
The characters set lines for themselves, then cross them. While Mark IV will be chosen by fans of the political thriller genre, its literary and ethical foundations should not be overlooked. Readers looking for more than just an action-packed read will find Mark IV satisfyingly replete with relationship and ethical conundrums that keep readers thinking beyond the story's conclusion." Review Excerpt -- D. Donovan, Senior Reviewer, Midwest Book Review
In our world of increasing complexity and the resultant human and physical constraints--overpopulation, global warming, rampant stupidity, unchecked evil, corruption, scientific advances used for ill--what is to be done? Are even the best governments incapable of maintaining order? Is the future of humankind at stake?
How many of us have wondered what we would do if we had some kind of world dictatorial power or other absolute influence? Many would find that conjecture to be overwhelming. Yet what if we limited our scope to, say, evil and corruption? The next barrier to fighting such iniquity would be the realization that too often world governments are inept when it comes to such endeavors. Inadequate due to legal, religious, intellectual, political and traditional moral strictures. In view of that, what then if a choice had to be made between the world falling into chaos, and one in which there is secular salvation, but only through efforts that lie outside the normal bounds of the best of civilizations? There are immeasurable individuals and groups outside the laws who are vile and malevolent; why not a last-resort counterpart--unfettered by normal laws; practical and down-to-earth--dedicated to good, but who find it necessary to resort to harsh measures? Those who realize that we have come to a point in history where we must fight fire with fire. Enter Ragnarök, a secret organization that inflicts punishments in the forms of Mark I, II, III, IV, or worse, Mark V (death). |